Live Workshop: Integrate Google SecOps with Bindplane - Join Us on February 26th at 11 AM ET!Sign Up Now


Supported Platforms



Supports RabbitMQ versions 3.8 and 3.9.

The RabbitMQ Management Plugin must be enabled by following the official instructions.

Also, a user with at least monitoring level permissions must be used for monitoring.

Configuration Table

telemetry_typestelemetrySelector["Logs", "Metrics"]Choose Telemetry Type.
daemon_log_pathsstrings - "/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@*.log"Path to Rabbitmq log file(s).
start_atenumendStart reading the file from the 'beginning' or 'end'.
username*stringUsername used to authenticate.
password*stringPassword used to authenticate.
endpointstringhttp://localhost:15672The endpoint of the Rabbitmq server.
collection_intervalint60Sets how often (seconds) to scrape for metrics.
enable_tlsboolfalseWhether or not to use TLS.
insecure_skip_verifyboolfalseEnable to skip TLS certificate verification.
ca_filestringCertificate authority used to validate the database server's TLS certificate.
cert_filestringA TLS certificate used for client authentication, if mutual TLS is enabled.
key_filestringA TLS private key used for client authentication, if mutual TLS is enabled.
*required field