Delete Fields
The Delete Fields processor can be used to remove attributes, resource attributes, and log record body keys from telemetry in the pipeline.
Deleting Metric attributes may be unsound.
Be careful when deleting metric attributes. Deleting attributes on metrics may cause multiple data points to have the same set of attributes, causing a datapoint collision.
Supported Types
Metrics | Logs | Traces |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Configuration Table
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
telemetry_types | telemetrySelector | ["Logs", "Metrics", "Traces"] | The list of telemetry types the processor will act on. |
condition | string | true | An OTTL condition that must evaluate to true to apply this processor. By default, the processor applies to all telemetry. |
body_keys | string | [] | One or more body key names to remove from telemetry data. Note: Body fields are applicable only for logs. |
attributes | string | [] | One or more attribute names to remove from telemetry data. |
resource_attributes | string | [] | One or more resource attribute names to remove from telemetry data. |
Example Configuration
This example configuration removes the "spid" body field, the "" attribute, and the "" resource attribute from any log record.
Web Interface

Standalone Processor
Configuration with Embedded Processor