OpenTelemetry Deep Dive: Hands-On with the OTel Collector & Bindplane - Join the live workshop on March 19th at 11 AM ET!Sign Up Now

Update Bindplane License

If your Bindplane license has expired or you need to update it for any reason, you can do so by following the instructions below.

If you require a new license key or have any questions, please contact


Linux deployments can be updated by running the following command:

1sudo BINDPLANE_CONFIG_HOME=/var/lib/bindplane \
2    /usr/local/bin/bindplane init license \
3    --config /etc/bindplane/config.yaml

When prompted, enter the new license key.

If you are unable to run the command above, you can manually update the license key in the /etc/bindplane/config.yaml file. Open the file in a text editor and update the license value.

1license: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY'

Once the command has finished, issue a server restart command.

1sudo systemctl restart bindplane

Kubernetes (Helm)

Bindplane's license is configured as a Kubernetes secret or a value in the Helm chart. To update the license, you can update the secret or the Helm chart value with the new license key.

Reference the Bindplane Helm Chart for more information.

Bindplane Cloud

If your Bindplane Cloud license has expired, please reach out to support at