This ClickHouse destination can be used to send metrics, logs, and traces to a ClickHouse server.
Supported Types
Metrics | Logs | Traces | Bindplane Collector |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | v1.41.0 + |
Field | Description |
Telemetry Types | The kind of telemetry that will be sent to the ClickHouse server. Can be any combination of logs, metrics, and traces. |
Protocol | The kind of protocol to be used when sending to the ClickHouse server. Can be TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS. See this ClickHouse documentation for more information. |
Endpoint | The endpoint to use to send telemetry data to ClickHouse. Supports multiple endpoints. See this ClickHouse documentation for more information. |
Username | Username to use to authenticate with the ClickHouse server. See this ClickHouse documentation for more information. |
Password | Password to use to authenticate with the ClickHouse server. See this ClickHouse documentation for more information. |
Database | Name of the database to use when interacting with the ClickHouse server. |
Logs Table Name | Name of the table inside Database in ClickHouse to store log data in. Creates the table if it does not already exist. |
Metrics Table Name | Name of the table inside Database in ClickHouse to store metric data in. Creates the table if it does not already exist. |
Traces Table Name | Name of the table inside Database in ClickHouse to store traces data in. Creates the table if it does not already exist. |
TTL | The data time-to-live, for example '30m'. 0 means no TTL. Make sure the telemetry sent has a timestamp field. |
Timeout | Timeout for each attempt to send data to ClickHouse. |
Connection Parameters | Additional connection parameters with map format. Used as query parameters in the URL. See this ClickHouse documentation for more information. |
Metrics stored in ClickHouse are grouped by their type (sum, gauge, etc.) and stored in tables specific to that type by appending _type
to the table name. For example, using the example configuration below, gauge metrics would be stored in bpop.bp_metrics_gauge
. To read more, see this documentation.
TLS can be configured using Connection Parameters
. To do so, add an entry called secure
with the value true
. An example can be seen below.
The collector will fail to start if it cannot reach the ClickHouse server on start up. If the ClickHouse server becomes unreachable while the collector is already running, it will continue running while reporting an error.
The collector can also fail to start if configured to use TTL, but the telemetry being sent lacks a Timestamp
This destination supports the following retry and queuing settings:
Sending Queue | Persistent Queue | Retry on Failure |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Example Configuration
Here we set a single endpoint that uses the TCP protocol. We are sending metrics, logs, and traces, so we have them selected and table names for them. We also utilize authentication and are setting compression and TLS via the connection parameters. Finally, we have the sending queue, persistent queue, and retry on failure enabled as well.
Web Interface

Standalone Destination