Live Preview
Utilize Live Preview in Bindplane
Live Preview
Live Preview provides a real-time preview of changes you make to your telemetry, giving you the power to validate the impact before rolling out the change to your collectors.
From a configuration page, simply click on any processor node in your pipeline. You'll then be presented with a full-screen editing experience. Use Snapshots on the left to inspect your data, add processors to transform it, and view the results in real-time with Live Preview on the right. This becomes an excellent sandbox to experiment with changes before you commit them to your production collectors.

This shows Live Preview with a Severity Filter processor applied.
While Live Preview works with most processors, you will not see a preview when you configure the following processors:
- Batch
- Count Telemetry
- Deduplicate Logs
- Extract Metric
- Compute Metric Statistics
- Resource Detection