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BindPlane Gateway


The BindPlane Gateway source is an OTLP source meant to be used for gateway nodes. When using this source in conjunction with a BindPlane Gateway destination from another configuration, telemetry traveling through this source will not be double counted in the Summary view.

Supported Platforms

Kubernetes Node (DaemonSet)
Kubernetes Gateway
OpenShift 4 Node (DaemonSet)

Configuration Table

telemetry_typestelemetrySelector["Logs", "Metrics", "Traces"]Choose Telemetry Type.
listen_addressstring""The IP address to listen on.
grpc_portint4317TCP port to receive OTLP telemetry using the gRPC protocol. The port used must not be the same as the HTTP port. Set to 0 to disable.
http_portint4318TCP port to receive OTLP telemetry using the HTTP protocol. The port used must not be the same as the gRPC port. Set to 0 to disable.
enable_tlsboolfalseWhether or not to use TLS.
insecure_skip_verifyboolfalseEnable to skip TLS certificate verification.
ca_filestringCertificate authority used to validate the database server's TLS certificate.
cert_filestringA TLS certificate used for client authentication if mutual TLS is enabled.
key_filestringA TLS private key used for client authentication if mutual TLS is enabled.

Example Configuration

The BindPlane Gateway source type does not have any required fields. By default, the BindPlane Gateway source will listen on ports 4317/gRPC and 4318/HTTP on all IP addresses without TLS.

observIQ docs - BindPlane Gateway - image 1


The BindPlane Gateway source type supports Kubernetes, OpenShift Node (DaemonSet), and Gateway collectors. Applications within the cluster can forward metrics, logs, and traces to the collectors using the clusterIP services.


  • BindPlane OP v1.52.0 or newer


The BindPlane Gateway source type does not require additional configuration. It can be attached to any Kubernetes, OpenShift Node (DaemonSet), or Gateway configuration.

The following endpoints can forward telemetry to the managed Node (DaemonSet) collectors.

gRPCheadless clusterIPbindplane-node-agent-headless.bindplane-agent.svc.cluster.local:4317

The following endpoints can forward telemetry to the managed Gateway collectors.

gRPCheadless clusterIPbindplane-gateway-agent-headless.bindplane-agent.svc.cluster.local:4317

It is a matter of preference if you should forward telemetry to the DaemonSet or Gateway collectors. It is recommended to use the Gateway collector, if DaemonSet resource consumption is a concern, as the Gateway collector can scale independent of cluster size.