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Apache Spark

Supported Platforms


Configuration Table

Telemetry TypesThe types of telemetry to gather with this receiver.
EndpointThe endpoint of the Apache Spark REST API.
Enable TLSWhether to use TLS when connecting to Apache Spark.
Skip TLS Certificate VerificationEnable to skip TLS certificate verification. This is relevant if TLS is enabled.
TLS Certificate Authority FileCertificate authority used to validate TLS certificates. This is relevant if TLS is enabled.
Mutual TLS Client Certificate FileA TLS certificate used for client authentication. This is relevant if TLS is enabled.
TLS Client Private Key FileA TLS private key used for client authentication. This is relevant if TLS is enabled.
Collection IntervalSets how often (seconds) to scrape for metrics.
Allowed Spark Application NamesFilters that define which Spark applications are scraped for metrics. If undefined, all applications at the endpoint will be scraped.
Spark MetricsA list of Cluster, Job, Executor, and Stage metrics to be included or excluded.