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MongoDB Atlas

Supported Platforms


Configuration Table

telemetry_typestelemetrySelector["Logs", "Metrics"]Choose Telemetry Type.
log_project_name*string""Project to collect logs for.
collect_audit_logsboolfalseEnable to collect Audit Logs. It must be enabled on the project, and the API Key must have Organization Owner permissions.
log_filter_mode*enumAllMode of filtering clusters. Either collect from all clusters or specify an inclusive list or exclusive list. Valid values: All, Inclusive, Exclusive
log_include_clustersstringsClusters in the project to collect logs from. Applicable if log_filter_mode is Inclusive
log_exclude_clustersstringsClusters in the project to exclude from log collection. Applicable if log_filter_mode is Exclusive
public_key*string""API Public Key with at least Organization Read Only permissions.
private_key*string""API Private Key.
collection_intervalint180Sets how often (seconds) to scrape for
granularityenumPT1MDuration interval between measurement data points. Read more here. Valid values: PT1M, PT5M, PT1H, P1D
enable_alertsboolfalseEnable to collect alerts.
alert_collection_mode*enumpollMethod of collecting alerts. In poll mode alerts are scraped from the API. In listen mode a server is set up to listen for incoming alerts. Valid values: poll, listen.
alert_project_name*string""Project to collect alerts from. Applicable if alert_collection_mode is poll.
alert_filter_mode*enumAllMode of filtering clusters. Either collect from all clusters or specify an inclusive list or exclusive list. Applicable if alert_collection_mode is poll. Valid values: All, Inclusive, Exclusive.
alert_include_clustersstringsClusters in the project to collect alerts from. Applicable if log_filter_mode is Inclusive and alert_collection_mode is poll.
alert_exclude_clustersstringsClusters in the project to exclude from the alert collection. Applicable if log_filter_mode is Exclusive and alert_collection_mode is poll.
page_sizeint100The number of alerts to collect per API request. Applicable if alert_collection_mode is poll.
max_pagesint10The limit of how many pages of alerts will be requested per project. Applicable if alert_collection_mode is poll.
listen_secret*string""Secret key configured for push notifications. Applicable if alert_collection_mode is listen.
listen_endpoint*string""Local "ip:port" to bind to, to listen for incoming webhooks. Applicable if alert_collection_mode is listen.
enable_listen_tlsboolfalseEnable TLS for alert webhook server. Applicable if alert_collection_mode is listen.
listen_tls_key_filestring""Local path to the TLS key file. Applicable if enable_listen_tls is true and alert_collection_mode is listen.
listen_tls_cert_filestring""Local path to the TLS cert file. Applicable if enable_listen_tls is true and alert_collection_mode is listen.
*required field