The InfluxDB destination supports sending logs, metrics, and traces to an InfluxDB system.
Supported Types
Metrics | Logs | Traces |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Configuration Table
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
telemetry_types | telemetrySelector | ["Metrics"] | Choose Telemetry Type. |
host | string | localhost | The IP address or hostname of the InfluxDB server to send telemetry to |
port | int | 8086 | The port that the InfluxDB server is listening on for telemetry data. |
api_path | string | /api/v2/write | URL path to send telemetry to. |
org | string | `` | Name of the InfluxDB organization that the target bucket belongs to. |
bucket | string | `` | Name of the InfluxDB bucket to write telemetry to. |
token | string | `` | The authentication token used to authenticate with InfluxDB, if configured. |
metrics_schema | enum | telegraf-prometheus-v1 | The metrics schema to use when writing metrics to InfluxDB. |
span_dimensions | strings | ["",""] | Span attributes to use as InfluxDB tags. |
log_dimensions | strings | [""] | Log attributes to use as InfluxDB tags. |
headers | map | {} | Additional headers to attach to each HTTP request. |
configure_tls | bool | false | Configure advanced TLS settings. |
insecure_skip_verify | bool | false | Enable to skip TLS certificate verification. |
ca_file | string | `` | Certificate authority used to validate the InfluxDB server's TLS certificate. |
compression | enum | gzip | Compression algorithm to use when sending telemetry to InfluxDB. |
Supported Retry and Queuing Settings
This destination supports the following retry and queuing settings:
Sending Queue | Persistent Queue | Retry on Failure |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Example Configuration
Web Interface
InfluxDB OSS running locally:

InfluxDB Cloud: