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Host Metrics

Supported Platforms


Configuration Table

Collection IntervalSets how often (seconds) to scrape for metrics.
Load MetricsEnable to collect load metrics. Compatible with all platforms.
Filesystem MetricsEnable to collect filesystem metrics. Compatible with all platforms.
Memory MetricsEnable to collect memory metrics. Compatible with all platforms.
Network MetricsEnable to collect network metrics. Compatible with all platforms.
Paging MetricsEnable to collect paging metrics. Compatible with all platforms.
CPU MetricsEnable to collect CPU metrics. Compatible with Linux and Windows.
Disk MetricsEnable to collect disk metrics. Compatible with Linux and Windows.
Processes MetricsEnable to collect process count metrics. Compatible with Linux only.
Process MetricsEnable to collect individual process metrics. Compatible with Linux and Windows. The collector must be running as root (Linux) and Administrator (Windows).
Mute Process Name ErrorsEnable to prevent process name errors from being logged.
Mute Process EXE ErrorsEnable to prevent process exe lookup errors from being logged.
Mute Process IO ErrorsEnable to prevent input output errors from being logged.
Mute Process Username ErrorsEnable to prevent process username lookup errors from being logged.


MetricSupported OSDescription
cpuAll except macOSCPU utilization metrics
diskAll except macOSDisk I/O metrics
loadAllCPU load metrics
filesystemAllFile System utilization metrics
memoryAllMemory utilization metrics
networkAllNetwork interface I/O metrics & TCP connection metrics
pagingAllPaging/Swap space utilization and I/O metrics
processesLinuxProcess count metrics
processLinux & WindowsPer process CPU, Memory, and Disk I/O metrics