No Registered Transform Agents
Troubleshooting the "No Registered Transform Agents" Error in Bindplane.
Issue Overview
The Bindplane Transform Agent is required for Live Preview. When the Transform Agent is misbehaving, or there is a configuration issue, the user may be presented with the following error in the Bindplane UI or log.
failed to get transform agent client: there are no registered transform agents
This error generally indicates a misconfiguration issue, however, if Live Preview was working in the past and is not working now, it is recommended that you engage with Support.
On Linux, the Transform Agent operates as a subprocess. Make sure your configuration file
at /etc/bindplane/config.yaml
has the following section.
Run the following command to check if the Bindplane service is running:
If the Transform Agent sub-process is missing, check the logs at /var/log/bindplane/bindplane.log
sudo journalctl -f --unit bindplane --lines 200
It is expected that the Transform Agent always be running without additional configuration, so it is recommended to engage observIQ Support.
On Docker, check to see if the Transform Agent container is running.
If the Transform Agent is running, make sure Bindplane is configured with the following environment variables.
If the environment is configured correctly, view the recent logs from the Bindplane container.
If the Transform Agent is running, and the environment is configured with the correct service name or hostname, it is recommended to engage observIQ Support.
On Kubernetes, the Transform Agent is fully managed by the Bindplane Helm Chart.
Make sure the Transform Agent containers are running.
If the Transform Agent container is running, check to see if it has an endpoint in the bindplane-transform-agent
clusterIP service. Notice that in the example, the Transform Agent pod has the IP address
Check for service endpoints for the pod's IP address.
If the Transform Agent pod is running and contains a service endpoint, check the Bindplane server pod
logs. Use the following commands as a reference. Select Deployment
if operating Bindplane in high
1kubectl logs -f sts/bindplane
If the Transform Agent is running, and the Transform Agent clusterIP service has a valid endpoint, it is recommended to engage observIQ Support.