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Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus

Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus is Google Cloud's fully managed, multi-cloud, cross-project solution for Prometheus metrics.


🚧 This destination is compatible with Prometheus metrics only.

Supported Types



The Google Managed Prometheus destination is intended to be used with Prometheus metrics, which can be received with the following sources:

  • Prometheus
  • OTLP

This limitation is due to Google requiring the following resource attributes:


Google will translate those attributes into instance and job respectively.

When scraping a Prometheus exporter with the Prometheus source type, the required resource attributes are present automatically.

Any resource attributes that do not map up with Google's Prometheus target resource type will be removed from the metric. This can make it difficult to guarantee uniqueness between data points that were emitted from different sources.

See the following documentation for more information on how Google handles monitored resource types


Network Requirements

The following Google Cloud APIs must be enabled

  • Cloud Monitoring

The following network access is required between the Bindplane Collector and the following Google API endpoint URLs.
Metrics: metrics.

Google Cloud Monitoring API v3:


👍 Typically, when sent telemetry from a GCP hosted system, these URLs are part of default network access.


The Google Managed Prometheus destination supports two forms of authentication.

  • Access Scopes
  • Service Account

Google Cloud Access Scopes

When running within Google Cloud, you can configure your Compute Engine instances with the following access scopes, allowing the Google Managed Prometheus destination to configure authentication automatically.

  • monitoring.write

You can read more about access scopes here.

Service Account

If running outside of Google Cloud, or within Google Compute Engine without access scopes, you can create a service account for authentication.

  1. Create a Google service account following this documentation.
  2. Assign your service account the following roles
    1. Monitoring Metric Writer
  3. Create and download a Service Account Access Key following this documentation.

The downloaded access key will be used when configuring the Google Cloud destination.

Configuration Table

projectstringThe Google Cloud Project ID to send logs, metrics, and traces to.
auth_typeenumautoThe method used for authenticating to Google Cloud. 'auto' will attempt to use the collector's environment, useful when running on Google Cloud or when you have set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in the collector's environment. 'json' takes the JSON contents of a Google Service Account's credentials file. 'file' is the file path to a Google Service Account credential file.
credentialsstringJSON value from a Google Service Account credential file.
credentials_filestringPath to a Google Service Account credential file on the collector system. The collector's runtime user must have permission to read this file.
default_locationenumus-central1Google Managed Prometheus requires a "location" resource attribute. This parameter inserts the resource attribute if it does not already exist.

Supported Retry and Queuing Settings

This destination supports the following retry and queuing settings:

Sending QueuePersistent QueueRetry on Failure

Example Configurations

Automatic Authentication

This example uses the auto Authentication Method. When running within Google Cloud with the correct access scopes, the destination will perform automatic authentication and send metrics, traces, and logs to the project bindplane-gcp.

observIQ docs - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus - image 1

Service Account Credentials (JSON)

Bindplane can embed credentials into the collector configuration when the authentication method json is selected.

When using the json option, paste the service account JSON key into the text box. This method is convenient as it does not require copying the service account key on the collector system.

observIQ docs - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus - image 2

Service Account Credentials (File)

If you would prefer to copy the service account key to the collector system instead of having Bindplane handle it, you can select the file option. In this example, the service account access key file is located at /opt/observiq-otel-collector/service_account.json.

observIQ docs - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus - image 3


Create a configuration with the Prometheus source and Google Managed Prometheus destination.

As an example, you can target the collector's metrics port, 8888.

observIQ docs - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus - image 4

Configure the destination to point to your Google Cloud project, and add your service account credentials.

observIQ docs - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus - image 5

The finished configuration will have a Prometheus source, and Google Managed Prometheus destination. You can add processors to add, remove, and modify metrics. Next, add at least one collector and rollout the configuration.

observIQ docs - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus - image 6
2"url": "",
3"provider": "",
4"href": "",
5"typeOfEmbed": "iframe"

In Cloud Monitoring, search for "Prometheus Target" using the metrics explorer.

observIQ docs - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus - image 7

Select a metric and note that the job, service_instance_idand service_name metric labels can be used to identify which collector the metric originates from.

observIQ docs - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus - image 8